Construction of the new Sports hall Mengeš part 2 — Gartner Lifecycle Architecture


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Construction of the new Sports hall Mengeš part 2


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Construction of the new Sports hall Mengeš part 2

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Construction of the new Sports hall Mengeš is already in full swing. The concrete part of the Hall is almost finished. The basement walls are standing, and the ground floor with the tribunes is getting its final shape. The construction of the wooden part of the sports hall will begin shortly.

Concrete basement walls

Concrete basement walls

Armature of the concrete walls

Armature of the concrete walls

Coordination with the contractor. BIM supervision.

Coordination with the contractor. BIM supervision.

View towards the main entrance.

View towards the main entrance.

Public hall in the basement.

Public hall in the basement.

Paneling of the walls on the ground floor.

Paneling of the walls on the ground floor.

Future sports field.

Future sports field.

View towards sports hall.

View towards sports hall.

View from tha south.

View from tha south.

The construction site.

The construction site.