Kindergarten Najdihojca — Gartner Lifecycle Architecture


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Jernej Gartner / 041 834 696
Brigita Gartner / 041 283 453

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13 Brnčičeva ulica
Ljubljana - Črnuče, Ljubljana, 1231


Arhitekturno projektiranje javnih in privatnih objektov vseh velikosti s poudarkom na farmacevtski industriji in visokokakovostnih večstanovanjskih objektov in hiš, notranje opreme in poslovnih prostorov.


Kindergarten Najdihojca

Škofja Loka, Slovenia

The architectural design of the kindergarten emphasizes the idea of two main lamellas. Technical and administrative parts of the kindergarten form the northern lamella. Due to its length, it is subdivided into four logical sections which are marked by three pronounced main entrances. The roof of this part is flat and has photovoltaic solar panels installed in its longitudinal direction. The solar panels provide for the needs of the whole kindergarten and thus improve the energy efficiency of the building.

The second lamella, which is oriented towards the southeast, contain playrooms and associated changing rooms and restrooms. In the southeastern part of the kindergarten, there is a two-storey multipurpose hall and a gym with a green roof that is connected to the terrain. In addition to the excellent thermal insulation of the building, the roof represents an additional green surface for the children. It also provides open views and visually integrates the facility into its natural surroundings.

A vital part of the project is the subtle placement of the building in its existing surrounding so that all benefits of a current, smaller nursery is preserved and upgraded.

The building is intended to consist of natural structural and insulating materials such as wood, wood fibres, cellulose flakes, and clay plaster.

The kindergarten is a facility in public use, and its design should, therefore, provide for its longest possible lifespan with minimal running and maintenance costs. According to the revised EPBD Directive (Energy Performance of Buildings Directive), by 2018 all new public buildings must be nearly zero-energy buildings. That means that the estimated lifespan of this kindergarten goes far beyond the EU's prescribed timeframes.

The goal of the energy design for the planned facility is to maximize energy savings and consequently reduce operating costs for both heating and preparation of hot water as well as for lighting.

